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What is is a place where you can store your most favorite information like internet links, notes and logon information. In addition you can have multiple event/task calendars that can be shared among colleagues, friends and/or customers. As an example you can create and share a project calendar that is transparent for all members of the project. For "tasks to do" you can log hours used and get weekly or montly reports. Allthefavorites also includes an E-mail client that let you receive Internet mails via POP3 protocol.

Is it safe? uses SSL to encrypt communication between you and the hosting server (Select "Switch to SSL"). In addition all sensitive information like passwords are encrypted prior to storing in database. Anyway you should not save information like pin-codes for credit cards at this place. takes no responsibility for the use, misuse, or inability to use this service. We strongly advice you to select a complex password when registering and not sharing this with anyone!

What about privacy?

Any and all information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned! Any information you give us will be held with the utmost care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to. We guarantee that none of your information will be used for any purposes not related to the functionality of this service. If you are still anxious we recommend you to register a new free hotmail account (

What does this service cost?

It's free!! We try to deliver this service free by showing a minimum amount of advertising. You can support the development of this site by randomely clicking any of the advertising links.

Create your custom start-up page for your browser

Now it is possible to have your own custom made start-page with all the most favorable information available all the time. We have now also added RSS channel support so you can easy read information from your favorite news or blog sites (Atom format not supported yet).

Register and get started

Within two minutes you can be up and running. Register and get started!